Tuesday, January 12, 2010

History of Computers

This first week of class learning about the different type of computers and how the first ones were made has been very interesting. I knew that technology has helped in the business world but i didn't know the significant impact that it has made. I remember in class on Monday Professor Drake said "50 percent of workers became white collar jobs with the invention of the first computer". When you think of that number being so high it makes you wonder what the number was prior to.
I could not believe how much the computer has went through to become as advanced as it is today. To think that one day we will have something else more advanced than the computer in the future. However, I also did not realize how many other people contributed to creating computers and other information systems because all that you hear about is Bill Gates. You forget about the other company's and main people that put time and effort into what we have now.
I had taken Intro to Electronic Media prior to this course where we had to learn about ARPNET and USENET which is the first internets. We also spoke breifly about web browsers such as Fire Fox and Internet Explorer. I found it refreshing to get deeper into the history of computers.


  1. I never knew that that many other people contributed to the creating computers either. I think that they should be brought up more. I know that Bill Gates is the main one, but I would have like to known that more people were involved.

  2. I agree with Megan and Brittany for the most part. Computers are an amazing invention and sometimes the credit due to the people who created them is misdirected. I think the timeline we learned in class was very informative, and I learned alot about the many factions it took to create the information systems that exist today. Although I do not think of Bill Gates as one of the creators of computurs. I think of more as a pioneer of software that enabled computers to become mainstreem devices.

  3. I was also really surprised when I found out how computers changed the work force. Now it is hard to find a job that doesn't use some form of a computer. I think this class is important to take as business students because it is so relevant today.
