Hello, my name is Ida Lowback and this will be my last semester studying at Eastern. I am a dance (studio management) major and a business minor. I am therefore, heavily involved in the EMU Dance Program and am the President of the EMU Dance Forum (an organization that supports our dance department). I have never blogged before nor followed a blog and am interested in seeing how this will go, but happy that this course is providing me with something new to try. To be quite honest, I am a little worried about this class as I am not very technologically savvy and am struggling to follow along with the lecture topics. I hope that this class will help me understand technology better and hope that I am retaining more than I feel that I am.
In class we have been going over the history of information systems, starting from 6000 BC to today. When I think of information systems, I think of technology, which makes me think about complicated electronic systems, so I thought it was quite interesting to think about technology in its simpler forms and how technology such as information systems, obviously, began as much simple machines. I had never realized that punch cards together with mechanical calculators are what started off IBM’s career and led to computers as we know them today!
If anyone in my family ever mentions a calculator, my dad (who was born and raised in Sweden) always rambles on about his first calculator and how he was the first in his town to get one. I definitely appreciate this story more now that I understand the development of calculators and computers over the years, and now see how exciting this purchase must have been for him. I am looking forward to learning more about information systems and technology so that I can appreciate and understand the technology in my life more.
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