In class we learned about language and how language is defined in the information system world. Written language was discovered around 5000 to 8000 years ago and spoken language was developed around 100, 000 years ago. Language in the world of IS is somewhat different but it derives from the spoken word that we use every day. In this class we study language so we can get a clear and decise meaning of the relationship programs and information. This will be helpful so that we may store information and be able to understand it in a meaningful way.
The purpose of language is so that we can take a group of ideas and find a way to turn them into concepts rather than try to remember everything that we see and hear. Concepts are derived two different ways: data and information. Data is based on facts, and information is a group of facts that has meaning. Can you imagine trying to communicate with someone without using facts. Well you won't have a pleasant conversation.
Thinking back to ancient times, I'm sure their language was very basic, not very many words. Kind of like the first computers, that only performed only one operation. I can remember the first computer that I had, a Commodore 64. You had to give it commands for it work, in other words, use language that the computer would understand. Some of the commands were: load, run, goto, and print. These commands are still used on computers but things have been simplified to the point where you don't have to type the commands, you simply click on a button or link to get things done. The above mentioned Commodore did not have a mouse. Can you imagine using a computer without a mouse. The mouse made PC operation a lot easier. So when using a computer, think of the simplicity of the first computer and the ancient hieroglyphs of ancient times. They both have evolved a lot over the years. And think where would be without either of them. Or would one exist without the other?
To start, I could not imagine having a conversation without any facts! No one would understand each other. When you talk about the giving commands the computer would understand, the first computers ran off numbers. All of the programs ran through a bunch of numbers, and now they've been simplified so that we can just click the command with the mouse. Now we can ever use voice commands and never have to touch the device.