Wednesday, January 13, 2010


hey Guys

My name is Sameer Khoury. I'm a senior at Eastern Michigan University. My major is aviation management and this is my first blog ever, and I'm really excited about it. I have read some of people's blogs already and it seems like everybody is very friendly and open minded about new technology. I'm a Resident Advisor at EMU in Phelps-Sellers hall and I love my job very much. I get to meet really cool residents every semester and help them with their first semester and taking the first step to a successful college career which I think its very neat.

I lived in Israel for ten years, plus my father owned an Internet Cafe while I was there. I got to help my father build new computers and help fixing the network from time to time, but seriously all I wanted to do is play video games and the coolest video was counter strike that time. After school me and my friends used to go to the cafe and book 10 computers at once, ofcourse I would play for free, and charge my friends which was good fair business.

when I moved back to the U.S, I wanted to learn how to fly, so I started taking flying lessons my junior year in highschool, and by freshmen year at Eastern I received my pilots license. Flying is something i like to do to clear my mind, and i really enjoy it, even though its a very expensive hobby.

I love using computers, and buying new products. it seems like no matter how much you spend on computer, there will always be something new coming out the next week, and that why i love computers. In class we talked about the history of computers which really does not interest me that much, but what can interest me is the products and technology we have these days. We are seeing new developement with apple computers which in my opinion is going to put end to microsoft, i think in the next ten or fifteen years we will see a big shift in power between those 2 companies.

well hopefully i can get to know everyone, see ya in class

Sameer Khoury


  1. Hey Sameer,

    I think it's cool that you lived in Israel for 10 years. I have never been out of the country besides Canada, and that doesn't really count! I love how helped out your dad's business and banked on your friends at the same time; smart man. I am also very excited myself for the future of technology and i'm an Apple fan too. See you in class!

    -Tim Wilson

  2. I think it is interesting that you think apple will put an end to Microsoft, and I can see why you may think that. For one, I have heard that there are no viruses for Macs, which is a big plus for Apple. However, I think that Apple is just a fad right now because of the technology they have recently developed. iPods are big, and iPhones are the new and exciting product. However, many people are familiar with how Microsoft works and prefer it over Apple. Not to mention, Apple computers are more expensive, and I can't see people wanting to pay the higher price. It is hard to say what the future will hold, but I believe Microsoft still has the upper hand. Many programs used on PCs are not compatable with Macs (I know this because a friend just got a Mac and cannot watch a video from one of our Professors). This makes the switch very difficult.

  3. Thanks for your comment Tim. and Ashley, I think you are very right about what you are saying. Apple is developing over time customers who are addicted to their products, and other time I think more people will switch to this product because its exciting and something. I don't have an apple but i can tell you my next computer is going to be an apple because of all the new products they have. Microsoft will still be a good competitor, but in 10 or 15 years i really see apple taking over, but thats just a theory. Thank you for your comments.

  4. I think it is so interesting the mix of people we have in this class. While it may be a small class, we really have a diverse population. Each of us come from different backgrounds: whether it be our national origin, family experiences, or experience with technology, we are all different. I think it is our differences that really will help up facilitate classroom discussion.
