We have our privacy to a certain extent. Yes the government passed a privacy law, but it didn't mention the government retrieving out information from second and third parties. For example, I was watching a tv special about Google. Google saves every search that a person writes in the search box. If they see a trend of terrorism based searches from a certain address, they have the authority to inform the government Not just terrorism, but any suspicious searches. Matter fact the government, suggests that they tell them.
Also, other companies can benefit from gathered information. Based on searches, you may receive more ads that relate to your search topic. In simpler terms, if a individual searches dogs everyday, that person will start to see more dog ads. "Big Brother" sits back and analyze everything we do. Whether it's shopping, driving, martial status or etc...they know. They know more than you think.
There is so much information that we don't know about our government. To me, it's kind of scary that they can find out anything and everything about a person. Their intelligence is beyond our knowledge. The bad thing about that is, there isn't no privacy. The government does not want to fix that problem.
I really do feel like we are getting closer and closer to a society of 1984. Did you know that they are developing market research that has cameras placed in billboards and poster so that they can do eye tracking to see what grabs people's attention and who's attention it grabs? And the "Patriot Act" is just down right scary...
ReplyDeleteI agree, it does seem that there are more and more companies devoting their info technology for sorting data and trend spotting within the data. It always makes me think of the Enemy of the State. Does the gov really have special information/intel that allows them to virtually spy on citizens 24/7? Creepy!
ReplyDeleteI didn't realize that everything you typed or searched was being saved and recorded somewhere. I mean, I guess it is a good way of detecting terrorism and what not but that is really creepy that they know exactly what your looking at, what time and everything. Doesn't make me feel like we do have privacy, even when we think we do, were always being watched in someway or another.
ReplyDeleteIt is definately a two way street. The government has no right to invade on peoples privacy, but we expect the government to somehow attain the information to keep us safe. It is definately a moral dilema.
ReplyDeleteThe balance between safty and privacy is one that seems to be tilting more and more. I seem to feel that the world is become less and less private. I mean the amount of camras that watch you on a day to day basis is knda crazy. The fact that the goverment can see everything that i search on google is a little crazy, but at the same time what do I care if they see what I google.