Hello Everyone,
This seems to be cliche, but my name is Tim Wilson. I am a junior here at EMU. My major is Management with a concentration on HR. I am very involved with on-campus activities. Some of my hobbies are mentoring, eating, shopping, and just being at home. I am expecting to graduate next year; but we all know how that goes!
Honestly, I'm only taking IS 215 because it is a requirement for my major. I will admit I was kind of intrigued when the professor was running down the history of the computer as we know it today. When I found out the computer was based off the abacus I was actually surprised. Technology has come so far in so little time. There used to be very little to no trade, now our whole economy is based off of trade.
I am looking forward to learning more about Information Systems that I didn't already know. It seems really broad and really challenging, but I know I can handle all the information. These blogs will be the death of me. I've been working on this one for the last two hours, but I'm not that slow I just had a bunch of distractions in the student center. I have blogged before, but it has always been on a topic I had a background knowledge on. Blogging for this class will improve my writing skills since it is required every week.
I hope you all enjoyed my blog and can say that you have a better understanding of me...
-Tim Wilson
I agree with you about it being interesting where computers came from. I would never think to compare a abacus to a modern day computer, but to think thats where it all started is mind blowing. It makes you wonder what simple things today will evolve into. Hearing things like this makes me excited for what the future of technology has in store for us.