Aristotle is known to be a philosopher of many things, such as mathematics, physics, biology, metaphysics, botany, medicine, theater, dance, politics, and agriculture. However, the one that I am going to focus on is the one thing that I didn't mention, which is logic.
The great philosopher, Aristotle, was known to be the father of logic. He explained why things were the way they were, and developed the first formalized system for reasoning according to IEP (Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy). I know some might be thinking what is the meaning of the term logic. Well in the last class period of IS 215 the term was define as the art of non-contradictory identification. Also, it was learned that Aristotle was invented the three laws of logic, which is the law of identity: whatever is, is; the law of non-contradiction: nothing can both be and not be; and the law of excluded middle: everything most either be or not be.
To learn more about the greater philosopher, Aristotle, you can click the link on the picture and it will lead you to a website on his biography.
Nice job on the addition of a picture, I am still attempting to add this feature to my knowledge.
ReplyDeleteIt's crazy that there were people like Aristotle that were so intelligent so very long ago. He is one of the best philosophers of all and he lived in the B.C. era. There are few people like him around these days. It's actually sad to say, but I feel like our society has digressed in some ways. I don't wanna sound negative because we have gotten better in some ways, but Aristotle is definitely one of the building blocks for our modern culture.
ReplyDeleteI think if Aristotle was born in the 1900's, we could have used him more, now that I read more of what he accomplished.
ReplyDeleteSameer is right, if he was born in the 1900s, we could have used him alot more. I mean, how many Aristotle's do we have nowadays? If he was still around, who knows how much farther along he could have brought us. To understand so much, and to break it down the way he did was amazing, he really was a great philosopher.
ReplyDeleteI agree that with the post by Adrian. I studied greek history and mythology when I was younger, and Aristotle came up quite a bit. He was a brilliant man for the time, however I am not convinced his intelligence would have been useful for the 20th century. One thing to keep in mind is that he was wrong on most of the ideas that he taught. It was not necessarily his fault, he simply did not have the tools neccessary to make informed observations. However, he was no doubt a very intelligent philosopher, and his accomplishments and contributions to society are still remebered today.