International Business Machines Corporation (IBM) was created in 1880s from three mergers with Tabulating Machine Company, International Time Recording Company, and Computing Scale Corporation. These three companies created CTR (Computing Tabulating Recording Corporation) four decades later IBM was created after an name change on February 14th, 1924. The seconded generation of IBM happened in 1958 with IBM 7090 which is one of the first fully transistionized maniframes. Wanting to create own line of computers in 1960. 19810 their computers wereput on sale for the first time, offering Microsoft as an operating system. Being the largest computer company the others followed this design.
Apple is one of those companies that copi
ed IBM. In 1976 Apple I was created with the help of Steve Jobs and Steve Woznalk, Apple I was sold for only $666.66. On April 16th, 1977 Apple II was created and was different from all the other competitors. Apple II had color graphics and an floppy disk drive and a spreadsheet applicaion which made it an killer. Throughout the years Apple Inc. has become an mutimillion computer company producing Mac PCs, Ipods, Iphones for AT&T, televisions, and software.

Although IBM, Apple and many other companies made it this far the road to success wasnt easy. Since the first computer was made in 1950 technology from then has transformed to something new. Comparing computer technology from 1950 to 2010 will show the improvement throughout the years such as the problems of programing and syncing. Every computer allows you to download iTunes and sync an ipod so that shows the improvement. The problem Apple had was that there very first computer had to be assembled to an circuit board, there was no keyboard, monitor or case the owner of the computer had to add the keyboard and wooden case.
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