What's up? My name is Stephan White and I'm a freshmen here at Eastern. My major is accounting and I don't plan on changing nor do I want to. Hopefully I made a good choice. On the other hand, this blog is meant for class. Not to inform people of my personal life. I just wanted to give a quick generalization.
Something that stood at to me in class was, the reason for a computer. It was invented in the 1940 and it was used to break codes. When I think of a computer, I don't think about breaking codes. That's why I wanted to discuss how the use computers have evolved over the years. After the computer was invented, others wanted to make it better. It was proven that electric was better than binary. So once that was established, others followed the electric trend. As they got better over the time, more was expected of them.
I think it interesting to look at the first computer and look at what we have now. In addition, computers are still getting better and smaller. To think that a computer was once as big as a average bedroom, doesn't even seem realistic. The same jobs they did with the huge computers, we now can do on our cell phones. Take note that the first computer to make a scientific calculation was only in 1952. Also the same with email and the Internet. Those were not around for that long either.
Well there is more to write, but I will save that for my next blog. I want all my blogs to be connected, rather than different topics every week or so. Feel free to correct in inaccurate information.
It;s funny when you say that when people found out that electric was better they followed trend. That seems to happen so much in our society today. We see how something is done and we think it's better so from now on we want it done that way. When you think about it, whose to say what's better? I'm not saying in case of the computer, but just in the case of life whose to say one way is better than another. I believe it depends on the person. Good blog.