Tuesday, January 12, 2010

My first blog post

Hi, I’m Anna and I’m a sophomore at Eastern majoring in marketing. I’m taking this class because I’m required to, but I’m glad I’m learning about something completely new. This is my first time writing a blog so it will be interesting to see how it goes.

This week we focused on the history of information systems. I was interested in the history of Apple because I have a Macbook and an iPod so I know the most about them. The personal computer “Apple I” was developed in 1976 and then soon after followed by the “Apple II” and “Apple II plus.” I had never heard of Steve Jobs before class on Monday and it seems like he is brilliant. He founded Pixar and Apple, which are two hugely successful companies. Then in 1984, Apple worked with Xerox to form the Mac computer. I never knew the two companies worked together; actually, I didn’t know Xerox had anything to do with developing graphic user interface.

I researched Apple’s accomplishments and I found one particularly interesting article. A radiologist opened a private practice but needed to serve hospitals that were not commuting distance. He had to find the best way to do this and he turned to a Mac laptop. The laptop convinced him to use Mac products regularly because he found them efficient. Now it is predicted that Mac-based systems could reduce healthcare costs. I definitely think Apple has revolutionized information systems in the past five years, and I want to learn more about the company. I also hope that by the end of the semester I’m comfortable using computer jargon because right now I know next to nothing about computers.


  1. As a child in school the first computers I used were macs, but since middle school I have only used PCs. For Christmas this year I have received my first mac and am thrilled with how well it is functioning. Therefore, I too was interesting in learning a bit more about Apple and how the company started.

    I didn't know that Steve Jobs was also responsible for Pixar!

  2. I read the article you linked and I think that is amazing what they can do with all of the Apple products. I know in newer hospitals they are mostly only computer data, and lots od doctors are swtiching over to paperless. This is great because not only does it make things faster and easier for the doctors, but also for us!

  3. For that last three years I have been a PC living in the world of mac. I have a PC, but all my friends and roomates have macs. I like the mac set up i just don't have the money for one. plus i really don't mind having a PC.
