Tuesday, January 12, 2010

first time blogger

Hi everyone my name is John Gregory, and unlike a lot of people in this class, my major is not business management. i originally started off with social work. but switched to business management because i had heard so many good things about it but when i took the classes i realized that it wasn't for me, so i switched back to my first major which is social work and that is where my passion is. but enough about me time to get to the blog.

Through out the first 2 classes we have been leaning a lot about when computer were first made and how long they took to make, etc.. I thought i knew a lot about technology but as we have been learning i have realized that there were so many things i didn't know. like that in the 1940's most large businesses contained tabulating and sorting machines for accounting and financing functions. I also find it interesting that the information age was started in the 1950. in the 1950's the first computer was created. in 1952 IBM had a machine that was designed for scientific calculations called the IBM 701.

Before the computer had a processor it was programed with punch cards. once IBM saw other companies come out with personal computers. they said to them self we could do that, and they came out with the IBM 360. other companies then started to come out with better computers with advanced graphics and expandable features. when you think of Microsoft you think of almost all computer . well before Microsoft became what it is today. it had a contract with IBM to have the MS DOS as their main operating system..

looking at what we have leaned so far it is clear that when computers first came out they wern't very good compared to what we have today. that's what like about technology its always changing and becoming better. i cant wait to see what the future hold for technology.

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