Sunday, January 31, 2010
We're not top dog anymore!
It is amazing how much the internet influences our lives. I was shocked when I saw there are 1.7 billion users on the internet. Professor Drake had the link in his power point to Internet World Stats and what was even more shocking was how much internet usage there was in Asia. When I think of the internet, I would of definitely thought the United States would have been the leader in usage. Not surprisingly, China is the largest country in Asia for internet usage counting for almost half of Asia. China is also the largest country in the world for internet usage, and in turn has the largest telecom market in the world.
Even though China has the largest internet usage, only 26.9% of the population have access. Just imagine how many more people would be on the internet if the Chinese had the same market as the United States. That would put the Chinese internet to almost one billion users just in that country. Since the Chinese government has such an influence on the internet, the Chinese telecom market has fallen behind. However, in recent years, the Chinese government is allowing the market to flourish and many economists see China to dominate the 21st century.
When I was searching about iPad online, I found the other interesting PC product. That's Lenovo's IdeaPad U1 Hybrid, which Lenovo showed off it in January.
I haven't used either of them. For most people, I think they will prefer iPad to IdeaPad. After Lenovo mergered IBM's PC products, I'm looking forward to the new IdeaPad .
Anna's 3rd post
Another thing I have seen to be consistent with innovation in our studies, is the actual process that enables it. Throughout the course I have seen many examples of a technology being suggested, many companies/countries/people try to create or improve the technology for their own purpose, and then survival of the fittest (in this case usually most intelligent) sets in. The example in Wednesdays class with the telephone companies was a perfect example. When the telephone was first invented, there were thousands of telephone companies competing to become the best. However, after a while it was trimmed down to only a couple major competitors, with at&t having the monopoly on long distance, which was even government sanctioned for many decades.
This is only one example of this process as it has been instituted on many technologies, products, and services. Even if you look at the history of computers, there have constantly been many companies trying to develop them, but only a few have been able to create and develop computers that consistently push the limits of technology. Other examples in our class go back to computer language, the spice trade, measurement standards, nuclear weapons, logic, and even business. In fact the only example the I can think of to counter innovation, is when we discussed the collapse of the Roman Empire, and how it set society back intellectually for a few hundred years, on the first day of class. Throughout this course, and in my life in general. I have learned the value of innovation, and its life applications.
Saturday, January 30, 2010
Business Performance Measurement Systems
Vince kellen, the CIO of Depaul University in Chicago says that Business Performance Measurement Systems have grown in use and popularity in the past 20 years.Its no suprise is it? As the global shift looms ever closer firms must maximize efficiency to stay competitive. Measuring success, or failire is the first step of that process. Firms/companies may adopt BPM systems for a variety of reasons, but mostly to gain a level of control over the firm that was never achievable before.
However wonderful BPM systems are, they can be very difficult to implement. Issues range from great amounts of diversity of fields of study in the workplace,lack of affilitation with strategy, poorly defined identification process, etc. Learn more at:
Kellen goes on to explain how you can prevent these problems by first identifying "a minimal set of four criteria for designing successful BPM systems, along with 12 BPM system factors to be considered." By defining what you want in a BPM before hand, you can head off many of the most frequent problems.
Thursday, January 28, 2010
The Textbook Industry
So, having spent thousands of dollars, at this point, on textbooks over the years, our discussion about how the internet is changing many industries including the textbook industry really peaked my interest. I researched an article by the The Cornell Daily Sun entitled, “Changing Textbook Industry Forces C.U. Store to Adjust,” that discussed the decrease of textbook sales at Cornell University’s bookstore. Just like every other business, it has been deeply affected by the economy as well as by the growth of e-commerce. Professors are both assigning less textbooks to save the wallets of their students and students are also finding alternative ways of getting books.
Textbook sales are down due in large part to the availability of cheaper books on the internet. Many students use sites such as Amazon or eBay to both buy and sell used books, avoiding bookstores all together. The advancement of the internet has also inspired some textbook companies to go electronic, selling electronic textbooks as opposed to hard copies. As producing electronic textbooks entails very low production costs, this is an ideal medium for textbook companies. University of Toronto Computer Science professor Paul Gries feels that “e-books” are necessary for students of this generation.
“The way students study has drastically changed,” Gries opined. “They now only skim their textbooks — the e-book is much better suited to today’s student.”
Another advantage to e-books is that professors no longer have to choose one book to teach from, but can instead mix and match books, tailoring the students’ required textbooks to better fit their curriculum.
Upon reading about these e-books, I have to say that I really wish that they were available when I started school, as I am about to graduate and will not benefit from the lower costs of these books. I’m happy though for future generations, happy that they might not have the same financial burdens as I have had in buying textbooks.
Abbreviations, Slang, and Other Shortcuts
Communication is a very essential tool for any group to share ideas, concerns, requests and many other things. A very key component to communication is having a language that is universal among everybody speaking it so that everybody understands each other. What I see happening more and more is people coming up with slang or weird acronyms and abbreviations that they expect everyone to know. This brings up the question, are we becoming more efficient communicators or lazier ones?
When I got hit with my first "lol", I had absolutely no clue what that meant. Then it started popping up everywhere until somebody finally explained to me it's meaning. Then came brb, lmao, fml, and all kinds of shortcuts to combine three or more words in one tiny acronym. Another thing that I'm sure would boggle the minds of some would be when we say something is "sick". When something is "sick" it can either be horrible or incredible depending on the context. We have a whole bunch of slang or terminology that can mean more than one thing, causing a lot of confusion.
So when the question is asked if we are becoming more efficient or lazy communicators, I would have to say that we are becoming lazier. The language is becoming less universal and this means that you have to stay up to date on the newest slang to stay in the communication loop.
Computer programmers much like the merchants in India realized a huge need for standardizing their programming language. IBM for example made had made a few different computer models that all ran on different operating systems. These operating systems were all written with different computer languages. This made it impossible for the computers to exchange information. Programmers knew that there was a need for these machines to work together in order to increase the work load and make upgrading the systems a more reasonable option. This is not much different that needing a standard language for people to communicate and increase their workload and this can in a sense upgrade your life by making you more money.
The need for language standardization dates back for centuries and continues to play a roll in society today. Initially it was as a means to survive and trade and now has become the foundation of technical advancement. I knew end user computing would give me a basic concept of how a computer works and the foundation of its history, but I never realized it went this deep. I don't think I would have considered the development of a society, and technology to be so strongly based around standardizing languages .
the New IPAD, phone services, SPAM
I was checking on some news yesterday and found out that Apple just released their new product called IPAD. I started reading about and totally was interested with this product. but is it worth it? from what I read in this article it looks like the IPAD is the same as the IPOD touch and the IPHONE but alittle bigger with more computer like programs. you can get the IPAD as low as $499 for a 16 GB. if you want to read more about it, check this
In class we talked about Phone companies in the 1900's. I was amazed on how many phone companies were developed during those times. these phone companies may not be as big and powerful as now but they did exist and wanted to make communication alot better and more effective. Also I think many governments funded those companies because during those times, war was happening and everyone needed an advantage.
if spamming is illegal, then why do we keep getting spam mail all time?? comments anyone?? Can someone catch spam users?
Do we really have privacy?
Lets Blog About IS 215
Internet Addresses
Technology and Society
In contemplating the impact of technology on society, it is easy to quickly come up with several dramatic improvements. Life expectancy and quality are the two primary headings under which we could place many examples of technology's positive influence on the lives of mankind. And as we progress unabated on an exponential path toward an unknown point, perhaps an asymptote, it is easy to get swept up in the glorious rush of new technology. The business cycle has gotten so short that a device that you've purchased in a fit of "gotta-have-it" could be made virtually obsolete while its still in transit on the UPS truck. Well, perhaps that's a bit hyperbolic, but we're getting there!
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Boy Do I Love Texting!!
This week in class the topic was brought up about texting and sending emails, and how much we sent in relation to the number of phone calls we make. I wasn’t surprised that almost all of the class said the text more than they talk on the phone. I’m also guilty of texting more than I talk on the phone. But the question is why we do it.
For one, texting is a way of communicating when you want to avoid an awkward situation. If someone has something to say but can’t do it over the phone or in person, they would most likely send a message. Sending this message will allow you to get straight to the point without having to worry about how the other person will feel until after the damage has been done. Other reasons people text more than they talk is because texting is faster, some people don’t want the conversations to be heard, and it just seems like the right thing to do when you can’t make a call. Regardless of where the person is, a text message can be sent to them. Some people may be in class texting, some people may be at work, and some people could be driving. (FYI: There has been a ban on texting while driving…effective immediately)
Because of this huge phenomenon, many cell phone providers have come up with different cellular plans that include unlimited text messages. I have a Metro PCS phone, and I can text all I want for $40 a month. This includes unlimited talk and web also. Metro PCS was the first phone company to do this, other carriers soon followed. According to an article that was posted on “A typical U.S. mobile subscriber sends or receives 357 text messages per month, compared to placing or receiving 204 phone calls.”
When books were writen by hand it could take a year to write a book. Could you imagine having to sit there and write out an entire book? It takes long enough to just write a paper by hand. There was no such thing as speed when it came to writing a book. If you took the time to hand write an entire book, how much would you charge someone for it? I would make sure I got a out of it what I put into it; and that's exactly what the scriptors did. Books were expensive before the printing press!
Not only did books take a long time to publish, and were expensive; when you books were writen by hand, there is more chance for error.
Today in society, we have seen many advances in technology. The advance that has improved production of books is computers. computers made it faster and eaiser to write a book. You can type when you want and press the save button and not have to worry about a stack of papers. Also with computers there is now spell check; though it may not always be know what you meant, it helps with the accuracy in writing a book.
With the announcement of the iPad yesterday we are seeing another advance in production of books. Even in text books you can now order it and have a subscription to your class book online. Now books are quick and easy to get; and writing a book...just type away.
The Evolution of Communication
- Communication has evolved through centuries of technological advancements. In class we learned that the telegraph was the fist real way to communicate at a fast rate. Even though it takes a long time for the telegraph to be delivered. Over time communication between long distances became easier through the telephone and the internet/via email. Over time the world wide web advanced and people were able to surf the internet faster. Now a lot of people no longer communicate through emails and people use social networking websites like facebook, blogger, and myspace.
Cell phones have taken a large toll on peoples lives today. They are peoples life lines when it comes to staying in touch with other people. If I didn't I would feel lost, and naked without it because my cell phone is my life line. I have a blackberry phone and it does everything for me, and it is something that i love to use and can't live without. I think that communication technology will only improve and soon it will be a part of everyone's lives.
The Leap of Speed&Capacity
Information Systems and Production
In class on Thursday, we talked about how information systems relate to production. Information systems increase the accuracy of data being processed. They also allow users to interact with that data quicker. For example, accounting used to be done in paper journals. It was more difficult to find and fix errors with this method than it is with modern accounting software. The accuracy of information was also dependent on human calculations. Now, we can utilize programs such as Excel to create spreadsheets that are easy to read (not dependent on the quality of someones handwriting) and which allows the utilization of formulas to make calculations and changes quickly and easily. Other software, such as Quickbooks and Peach Tree, allow users to easily assimilate mass amounts of financial data pertaining to a company's performance. This information can then be easily sent to stakeholders any where in the world almost instantaneously via the internet. With the use of information systems, the possibilities for increasing a company's productivity are nearly endless.
By also having the telegraph wires go across the country, it helped to fight crime as well. By being able to send out a description of the people responsible for lets say a bank robbery, it enabled the law enforcement in neighboring towns to be immediately notified that such a crime happened, and to be on the look out for these people. This helped end the run of large gangs that ruled the "old west", and was ended by technology, or at least aided by it.
The telegraph was not the end all be all of technology, but it helped to bring on technology that we still use today, mainly the telephone, but also including the wire transfer.
IP version 6
For the first time I learned in class that we are running out of IP addresses it shocked me but at the same time it did not. The internet grows too rapidly, and there are only so many digits in the IP version 4. In doing some research on IPv6, I found some interesting things. Originally an idea thought of in 1995 by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF). Instead of just adding numbers, they found the only solution to redesign the internet protocol itself. What it does is it increases the size of the address from 32 bits to 128 bits, which should create enough digits to satisfy the near future. This new IP design is aimed at connecting subnet routing prefixes, (basically the goal to connect to other computers) instead of just providing a substantial amount of IP addresses. Here's an example of a new IPv6:3ffe3ffe:1900:4545:3:200:f8ff:fe21:67cf. To keep things simple, they are combining letters with numbers, but it gets much more complicated than that. With this new version in mind, we don't have to worry about trying to preserve IPv4 addresses. Another cool thing is that modern desktops operating systems and servers already support IPv6 protocol, but it really hasn't been established yet. I'm glad this problem has already been addressed. We'll see what the future holds.
Google Hack
In a society everyone has to speak a language that everyone in the society can communicate to. In a class discussion I learn that if a country do not have communication as an example was given India noone would be able to communicate which kills any any trade among the country. India soon made a language everyone will be able to speak which open the door to trade for the country as a nation. Being able to comprehend communication is the only thing that separate us from any other species on Earth. In every society from Arab to Spainish the ability to communicate play a major role in everything we do.
Communication play a very major role with people technology is no different with their standards. When it comes to standards computers must be very exact which they use TCP and IP so their standards are met. TCP which is known as Transmission Control Protol are data send as packets and recombined at their destination, which is a clear detail about emails that are being sent. IP which is known as Internet Protol is connected to every computer that has the internet. this process uses four numbers each one is between 0-255 which also show us that the internet must use a lot of skills that we do not even think about.
IS as a Type of Production
Video conferencing is the ability to simultnaeously connect two or more people through two-way video and audio transmissions. In the business environment it is commonly used to connect two or more offices. Whether these offices be on opposite sides of the city or the world poses no threat. The ability to see other offices and have on-line meetings has greatly increased time productivity.
Before video conferencing the ability to have phone conferences was available, however, the sense of sight was lacking. If materials were to be seen they would have to be manually transported from office to office, greatly increasing the time and foresight that had to be put into conferences. The ability to e-mail photographs was also available, the downside here is correlating e-mail with the telephone conversation and making sure everyone is quite literally "on the same page".
Furthering video conferencing is the introduction of Skype. Skype is software that allows access to video conferencing at no charge. It has greating increased the popularity of video conferencing. Due to the low or no fee policy of Skype, it has allowed business to expand without the financial constraint it once had. For more information on skype you can visit
The idea of IS as its own type of production was new to me this week. After some investigation on the subject, I have discovered that although IS has been around in business for decades, we are still in the infant stages of using it to its full capacity. Through resources such as video conferencing and Skype society is slowly moving forward in IS productivity.
Communication UPGRADE.!!!!
Considering the fact that I was born in the 90's, it's only fair I talk about personal experiences I've encountered with communication devices. When I was five or six, my mom bought me a pager (don't laugh) for my birthday. This was for emergency purposes. Now that I've gotten older and have really thought about things, giving me a pager wasn't really the smartest thing to do. Whose to say the page was really going to get delivered fast enough in an actual "emergency"? And if my mom had paged me 911, how was I going to return her page if I wasn't at home?
My first social networking page was on No one really had profile pictures because scanners were not "in" like that. This was a good way to chat with my school friends after school or during computer class (hoping not to get caught by the teacher). Rating's on Blackplanet started rising after members were allowed to customize backgrounds, add music videos, pictures, and animations to make profiles unique. Then I was forced to deactivate my page because I started receiveing messages from pedophiles.
Those two types of communication were the most importantto me because, now, today, in 2010, if you're still utilizing these, you're viewed as being wierd or old school. Today we have cell phones, which plays a major part because it's the most domonate source of communication used. If you don't have a cell phone, let along an "up to date" cell phone, why? how do reach people in case of emergencies? Do you actually talk on the house phone? Blackplanet still has great numbers of ratings, Myspace, Facebook, and Twitter have taken over. Facebook is operating in more than 30 countries. Although media claims these social sites to be dangerous, I highly encourage them because it's a great way to keep in touch with old class mates, friends, family, and current events.
So what's your communication Upgrade???
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
IP Address
While researching IP addresses, I came across the cartoon below (2). It is from a news story about how federal government agencies had to transition their network to IPv6. They needed to do this to support rapidly evolving needs in real-time e-government transactions and services and to enhance data transmission capabilities. Also, there was a strong demand for more IP addresses in general. The headings on the cartoon (in case you can't read them) are Destination, IPv6, and IPv4. I like that under Destination it lists wireless mobility, limitless space, auto configuration, and sensor network. Supposedly, the IPv6 should be capable of all of these. So what do you think the meaning is of the "spaceships" in the background? Does it mean that IPv6 is going to give us capablities in the future that we never dreamed of?
The Fuel of Communication
I found the Lord of the Rings example in class very interesting so I started thinking. There are so many ways that we communicate in society. The simple glance that means come here or go away, or the pound and explode handshake that signifies comradeship. I find it very interesting that we can all interpret these simple gestures. However, when there is that one time that we don't it's extremely embarrassing. Such as, when you see someone waving at you but they aren't really waving at you or when someone you have seen once in your life says hello and you don't recognize them until they have gone. These are simple mistakes in communication but why is it that we feel so out of the loop when we miss a simple gesture?
Communication has definitely evolved since the days of the smoke signals. I mean it is amazing how far we really have come. We can send texts and receive them within seconds of them being sent. Also, it is crazy how we can have almost a complete computer in our phones. That is another issue entirely though. Imagine how excited people were when they could send letters in the mail or send a telegram. It would be a really difficult bridge to cross if there were no computers. How would any communication have been made faster if there weren't computers? There would be no email, texting, or facebook.
On the other side of the coin there is the fact that this advancement in technology has made communication less personal. Question: If there was a computer in front of you and you had a question to ask your boss about what would you do?
1. Send an email?
2. Go ask in person
I would assume that many people would just send an email if their question wasn't that urgent. Does this change in communication really benefit our generation? When we have families of our own are we going to be texting our ten year old children to come to dinner or IMing them to clean their rooms? How far do we have to go?
Proliferation of physical data storage
This week in class we covered important inventions that have allowed our society to evolve. One such invention that has been paramount to our success over the past thirty or so years is that of the ability to physically carry large amounts of data. Our methods of physical data transfer are one of the most evident signs of the times. We were first able to do this outside of conventional methods of physically punching holes in tape with tape drives.
Economies of scale and improvement in technology led to the birth of 3.5" floppy disks. Floppy disks began in the 1970s and quickly proliferated during the '80s to become the method of choice for storing data. Eventually, the vast amount of data created during the '90s required some installation packages, such as Windows, to require a dozen disks or more. CD-ROM resolved this inefficiency, since it was able to contain much more space.
CD-ROM was developed by Sony and Phillips in 1985, and have had the most influence on us out of any sort of storage medium. CD-ROMs have also improved and are a precursor for the DVD. We've also been able to make double-layered CD-ROMs and DVDs, which have enhanced our capacity. Flash drives have most recently been our new preferred medium, since they are not only spacious but also compact. Larger quantities of data, however, might be required to use a new medium in the future. Perhaps a BD-DVD?
Remember the lesson from the '79 song: "Video Killed The Radio Star"
Post 3 - Innovations
The Printing Press
Not only was the printing press much faster than copying the book or text by hand, but it was extremely cheaper. Instead of paying someone to hand copy the book, people were able to pay a printing company to make a copy of the book that they wanted. It also offered books to people who before, were not able to afford someone to copy it for them. Books and other texts became spread out over time, so many more people had access to the texts from around the different parts of the world eventually. At the time, the printing press also created more job opportunities. Now, the person who was copying the book didn't need to know how to write well, but just how to operate the printing press.
Over time, the printing press evolved into something that is widely used today. Back in the time of Gutenberg, the press was faster than a person, but not as fast as books are being made today. Now, if someone publishes a book, then there are thousands of that book made and it is all over the country if not the world. This has been all made possible because of innovation. Over the course of the last couple hundred years, people have been thinking of ways to improve the idea of the printing press. And that, over time, has morphed into what we use and have today.
To my surprise, I've actually enjoyed our last couple of conversations in class. My favorite thing that we've talked about was communication. All the conversation we had about our new forms of communication was funny. I wasn't surprised when more than half of the class said they text more than they talk on the phone. Most peoples minutes don't start until 9pm so they prefer texting during the day over talking on the phone and wasting minutes. I myself am an advocate of texting, because I enjoy texting people during class when I'm bored.
Monday, January 25, 2010
My blog today has one main question and some research to go behind it. My question is why do we as a human race need to work to survive? Is it the fact that we now as instinct that if we don’t work then nothing will progress? From childhood I have always wondered what would happen to society if there were no economy, consumers, production, supply, demand etc. Would our world fall just because of the simplest things won’t be done anymore or will we as one continue to live on with things and not worry about it.
Most of our nation does revolve around these elements in order to survive. For a good example we as Americans strive off of economics and without our country would be a huge disaster. We can basically use anything to make a profit from it. Raw materials to chemicals that are made from scientists. Overtime we as a generation evolved greatly .
Another thing that kind of got to me is the fact that our society relies on technology and the amount of production we produce daily. If all these things stop a lot of people wouldn’t know what to do.
Aristotle basically created formal logic. He created a lot of ways of organizing and define everything we see around us. The first classification of five basic elements was created by Aristotle. These were fire, earth, air, water, and aether (the stuff god's are made of). He also attempt to explain existence and the reasons we know we exist with his four causes theory. His four causes are material cause, formal cause, efficient cause, final cause.Aristotle had a big effect on the evolution of society, but a lot of the negative teachings of that era are shown in his thoughts.
Even though Aristotle was very influential, he was stuck in a time where intolerance was thought as fact. Aristotle thought that women were colder then men and therefor a lower life form. Aristotle believed that woman could not fully be human. Even though he didn't think much of woman he did advocate the equality of men and woman's happiness. Aristotle was the begining of many things. Without him socity wouldn't have been the same.
Email vs. texting
Sunday, January 24, 2010
2nd post
The second is: non-contradiction. No predicate can be simultaneously attributed and denied to a subject. This is the law saying that nothing can both be and not be, in other words. If a flower is a rose and dead, it has to be that. If something is untrue, it will never be true. And the third is: excluded middle. Of every two contradictorily opposite predicates one must belong to every subject; or in other words, each and everything either is or is not.
Those are the three law's of logic, or thought. Logic was described as the art of non-contradictory identification. These law's lead to two thought categories. One is Induction, and the other is Deduction. Deduction basically says all men are mortal. And induction is like the sun always rises in the morning, therefor you know the sun will rise. I found a picture of the equations to go with Aristotle's laws:
Anna's 2nd blog
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Business Measurements
Friday, January 22, 2010
Number Two
Post 2, Language
The professor talked about language this week, which reminds me of the language, Na'vi, in Avatar. It has a grammatical system, limited vocabulary and it becomes popular among humans.
It just created for a movie. That's so amazing!
Well, let's go back to our common life. I'm a Chinese speaker, and Engish is my second language. I don't know about what other people think about English. For me, it's not easy. Although a lot of my friends say English is the easiest one, who learn English as their second language,too.
Different languages have different characteristic. As I know, Chinese uses a logographic system for its written language, instead of an alphabet one. When people learn Chinese, they should learn hundreds of Chinese characters, Hanzi. I think the reason why Chinese people think English is harder to learn than the European do, mostly because of the total different language systems.
By the way, if you are interesting in learning Chinese, EMU has the program. :) And you can apply to Office of International Students for a conversation partner as well.
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Communication Innovation
"The newest computer can merely compound, at speed, the oldest problem in the relations between human beings, and in the end the communicator will be confronted with the old problem, of what to say and how to say it." -Edward R Murrow
Bits and Bytes
0 = 0
1 = 1
2 = 10
3 = 11
4 = 100
5 = 101
6 = 110
7 = 111
8 = 1000
9 = 1001
10 = 1010
11 = 1011
12 = 1100
13 = 1101
14 = 1110
15 = 1111
16 = 10000
17 = 10001
18 = 10010
19 = 10011
20 = 10100
When you see a bit it usually is never by itself. They are usually packed together in a set of 8 bits. This is called a byte.
The good thing about bytes is you can hold more place values with them. They look like this:0 = 00000000
1 = 00000001
2 = 00000010
254 = 11111110
255 = 11111111
There are a few neat things about bytes and bits. A byte can make up to 256 characters
Standard for bytes to hold is 127 characters. These codes are used a lot of the time
in text documents that are both stored in memory and stored on a disk.
All of this stuff is important because this is how we do many of the things we do on
our computers. If the bits and bytes where never found out or created then we would
not be able to do the things that we do like write papers on the computer. Bits and
bytes may seem complicated but when you look at the system especially for the binary
system it all really makes a lot of sense.