Electronic commerce or eCommerce has become extremely popular in today's society. eCommerce is business that is conducted over the Internet using any of the applications that rely on the Internet such as email, instant messaging, shopping carts, web services, etc(info received). Whether you're purchasing a textbook for a course, downloading music for your ipod, or comparing the different tiles that would look nice in your kitchen, if it's done over the Internet, you're a customer! Electronic commerce can be between two businesses transmitting funds, goods, services, and/or data, or between data and a customer.
All age groups participate in eCommerce. Most elderly people purchase over the Internet due to disabilities that doesn't allow them to physically go out and purchase whatever they want. Buyers mainly want to compare products for the best price, quality, and/or appearance. Most stores place items on their website that's not sold in the actual store(which can be shipped to the store for you to pick it up). Many feel that shopping online is unsafe and unreliable. Many fear that their personal information(credit card info, social security number, address) will be seen. Researchers say eCommerce will eventually be the main source of shopping in the future.
I would like to say that I'm a proud customer of eCommerce. I purchase EVERYTHING over the Internet. I pay my bills over the Internet. This is not because I'm lazy and don't feel like going to the store, but as a college student, I'm busy 90% of the time and by the time I'm free, stores are closed or just about to close. I love shopping online because its faster and convenient. I do sometimes fear someone will get my information, which is why I frequently check my statements. The only thing I don't like about most stores is how they keep your information there. I feel like I should have to resubmit the information for security purposes. What if someone get my log in name and password? Then they're able to purchase what ever they want using my information.
Despite that little downfall of shopping online, I absolutely love shopping online! If you haven't done it, you SHOULD.!!!!
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