Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Oodles and Oodles of Computers

I never knew that there were so many different types of computers. The concept of a mainframe was pretty new to me when entering this class. I do remember a class in high school where we talked about ENIAC being one of the first computers. The super computers were a really crazy concept after hearing about mainframes. They are just so big. It is really interesting for me to go from a huge computer, like the super computer, to a tiny computer, like a net book. It is crazy that something that small can do so many of the same things on a smaller scale.

The way that computers got their name is very interesting to me. Something that is so simple and yet they have such a huge meaning when they are talked about.
Computer - Something or someone who computes
Today computers are used for so many things. Because of how many things are becoming automated I believe that the market will continue to grow.

I didn't know that they were putting computers into so many household appliances. I can see where a dishwasher may need one to run but a washing machine? There are so many things that don't meet the eye. I suppose that those little vacuum machine things that go by themselves on the floor have a computer in them. But wouldn't it be weird if we didn't have to do any housework because it is all animated? What would be do with our time? Isn't there a point where we would have nothing left to do?


  1. It might even get to a point where we are automated ourselves entirely. See singularity by Dr. Kurzweil. I don't think that there will be nothing left to do however. This is because when we create new technologies, new jobs are created along with them.

  2. Computers in household appliances was something I did not think about until we talked about it in class. It is amazing to think that appliances will start to have internet conncetions to be able to diagnose problems and update information. Technology advances will definately make household work easier for us, but I don't know that there will ever be a time where we don't have to do housework, at least not anytime soon. The easier housework becomes for us, the less time it will take. If people are like me, they will find plenty of things to do with their time.

  3. I could find a lot to do with the time saved by automating chores! It is fantastic to think of how far this type of technology has come, and how it will progress in the future. I just wonder though, if the appliances can call repair men, or stores to set up orders, what happens if you don't have the money to pay right away? Or, if the money is in your account, but you need it for something else? Hopefully it will ask for authorization first!

  4. Here we don't get enough exercise now. I think we have to be very careful that computers don't make us lazy(ier)in the future. Many computers(games)are making people very sedintary. I do believe that it is nice about repairing an appliance.
