There is nothing more annoying than having problems with your computer, if they are technical errors, or even the most dreaded thing that everyone hopes never happens to them a virus. There are many things that could infect your computer, for example a virus, Trojan horse, spy ware, worms and bots. One thing that you can do is buy a good antivirus program. One good thing about having a type of Internet service, they might include a antivirus program for free, such as comcast does with Mcafee, the service is included with your purchase of the service. Personally i went out and bought Norton Antivirus, and i currently use the Norton that is pictured above.
It is never safe to have a computer without having some sort of Antivirus program. There are people out there that have nothing better to do then mess with you and your private information. The scary thing is our identity is at risk at all time. With advances in technology we can now pay our bills and do everything over the Internet, which that is what many hackers are looking for, so they can steal your identity and ruin everything. The best way to deal with this is first buy or install an antivirus program, another way to help protect yourself is to change passwords frequently to ensure safety.
The last thing that you want to happen is compromise yourself to people that are looking for your information, so that it will benefit themselves. This scary situation can be prevented with frequent scans and making sure your programs are up to date.
Obviously no one wants to have a virus on their computer. Thankfully today their are multiple anti-virus programs to choose from. I came across a ranking of best anti-virus programs and found out that McAfee (which comcast provides) is ranked #7 out of the 10 best. Considering I pay $89 a month for cable and internet from comcast, I am glad to know they provide me with a top ten anti-virus program.
ReplyDeleteIf anyone is curious about the website, here it is: http://www.anti-virus-software-review.com/?cmpid=273659