Wednesday, February 3, 2010


In class learning about how automation is affecting the people with their jobs made me very interesting. I remember my uncle telling about how its becoming harder and harder for people to get jobs because robots are replacing everyone. He was telling me how when people were the only thing working in factory such as Ford buliding a car was not accurate becauase every perosn had a different meaning for accurate which was a problem for the customers. Once robots start being made for the plant people startedto lose their jobs by the hundreds. In places like the car industries robots have just about taken all the position people could have in the industry.

Robots have been becoming more and involve in our lives and it seem they are not stopping at all. They are do jobs better than people cheaper than they can. I research and found out that in the 1950s you could hardly see robots in the work environment, but now there no where you go that you do not notice robots. In class we even see a video about robot being able help the paralyze move and possiblty help them stand up again. With robots improving every year I feel that soon robots will not need us to help them anymore.

Ford is a great example of how automation is taking control of the jobs people try to get. If you visit the Ford Rounge Plant you will notice their are more robots than people working. Automation show that robots cannot only do a better job than people, but can also save a lot of money in the long run. Ford would not be the only person saving money, but the customers will also save money when buying the cars and be better protected. Ford is just one of the many companies deeply involve with automation and the future automation may completely run most of the business.

site to robots is:


  1. Like Drake said, it's going to suck to lose your job due to automation. It's going to get more common as technology continues to develop. Yes it saves a company or business money, but when Americans don't have money, they cant pay taxes. It depends on how somebody looks at the situation.

  2. Automation can be seen both as a good and bad. One positive aspect is that it increases productivity and saves companies lots of money and allows them to do more with what they have. Yes, it is horrible that people are loosing their jobs because a machine can take them over, but is it as many people as we think? According to BNET, "More than 50 percent of the organizations are doing more work with the same staff, and 20 percent are doing more work with a smaller staff. More important, 22 of the respondents indicated that the skills needed by the staff have changed" ( Automation allows for more accuracy when making products, leading to better quality. Therefore, we need to look at how automation is helping us while understanding that it only changes jobs of employees more than taking them all away.

  3. I agree with Kayla. We need even computers are a type of robot that has enhanced our jobs and chances of employment. Though robots are more efficient and help cut cost, they can't function the way human does. What if something is programed wrong and it does one thing wrong, but it does this to every product that goes through it's line; you are going to need a human to correct the problem.

  4. I agree with Sydney. Humans can make judgement calls, robots can't. They follow a list of rules or commands and hopefully the commands do not conflict with each other or the computer(robot) will crash or shut down.
