Thursday, February 4, 2010

Robotics and automation

In discussing robotics and automation during last class, I was compelled to consider possible future scenarios involving their use. The following are 3 possibilities:

1. Military - although robotics are currently in use in the military, due to significant funding and the desire to mitigate human casualties, use of robotics seems very likely to expand. Allowing house entries and street sweeps to be performed by robots, particularly in the midst of insurgent wars (like Iraq and Afghanistan), could have a dramatic impact on casualty rates. Here is an example of future military uses of robotics.

2. Household - home automation continues to develop and become more popular as prices continue to fall. Currently you can automate things like your thermostat, home security, window blinds, lighting, television show recording, etc. In the near future it seems likely that using technology such as RFID, we'll be able to set nearly every electric or electronic parameter in our home to adjust automatically to our very presence either within the home at large or specifically based on what room we are entering or leaving. The obvious benefit beyond simple ease is energy management. Thank god we won't have to endure the tedious task of flipping light switches for too much longer!

3. Entertainment - robotics have been used for entertainment devices for a very long time. I suppose one could even consider amusement park rides as examples of entertaining robotics. But as we saw in class in the robotic violinist video, the future holds even more abstract robotic abilities that will enhance human enjoyment. One such example, the Robonica Roboni-i, provides the user with an amazing amount of programmability. It engages in 7 games, which might not seem like a lot, but the future can be seen with a little imagination.

I personally look forward to the diaspora of robotics across all aspects of our daily lives. In particular, although I didn't mention it above, robotics holds amazing potential in the realm of medical procedures and cybernetic physical aids.


  1. I would love to have more automation in my house! Bill Gates has had one of the most automated houses on the planet for quite a while now.

  2. I am so sure that automation is very useful in our lives. Sometimes, there is something that human beings can’t do, but it can. Therefore, we need it. Robot provides services for human beings, which also symbolizes a new age.

  3. I really hope that those that are automation-savvy find a way to apply robotics to all of these areas. It would be great if robots could be sent into dangerous areas during wars and human lives were spared. I also am all about conserving energy and if I had the money would totally invest in a program that would automatically turn off electricity when not being used. It is great the this information is being used in such beneficial ways.
