Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Computer Hacking

Computer hacking has become a real problem across the United States and the world. Many people have said that it may be our #1 national security issue. In an article published by, Amit Yoran, a former Bush adminstration cybersecurity czar said, “Is hacking a national security threat?” Yoran said. “The one word answer is ‘Yes.’” We are very vulnerable, as a country, because computers run almost everything we use.(ie. electricity, telephone, internet, banking,etc.) Much of the hacking that is done is malicious, with extreme costs to the people who are affected. People who hack should look at the havoc that they cause, before they push ENTER. I also believe that some of these people have a talent that could be very useful to us. I do not believe that these people should jailed, they should be fined, and made to put their talents to GOOD use.(With a little rehabilation)

Even Google found out the ramifications of hackers when it expanded its business to China. An article published by USA Today discusses the computer hacker training business in China. Even the businesses in the computer industry, cannot protect themselves. Everyday, in the news, we hear of another hacker who has penetrated another company's high security computer system. I was watching 60 Minutes the other night, and they were talking about how our government is hacking into other countries computer systems. The reason we are doing it is because they are doing it, too.

Computer hacking is covered by federal and state laws. Penalties vary between states, but the federal goverment has a uniform code. I have found a website at, that will take any questions that you may have regarding the penalties of computer hacking. Once again, I'd like to repeat, that I don't agree incarceration is the answer, only in extreme cases.

1 comment:

  1. It seems to me that computer hacking is just about one party being more technologically advanced than the other. Why is it that everyday people are able to outsmart these large companies and even the government? Myknowledge of hacking is limited, but it seems as though whoever knows more wins.
