The last class period discussed computers and it got me thinking about how vital computers are in today's society. Just about every household in the US has a computer or some form of one. A cell phone, laptop, or a home based PC. Computers assist us with work, communication, and they help provide information. As a young generation, we have become so dependent upon computers I have tried to imagine how we might function without them.
Imagine using a type writer to write a paper. If you make a mistake, there is no backspace, you'd have to pull the sheet out and start all over; unless you're good with White-Out. Or think about having to find information the old-fashion way...in the library! How crazy does that sound? I think I have been to the EMU Library 10 times in my two years at EMU. Computers are such a necessity to our way of life it is very difficult to imagine how we would get through life without them.
I use a computer every day for my job. I am a sales representative for a golf company and my laptop is my lifeline. I am constantly emailing orders to California (headquarters), I am emailing clients, my boss, and I use the excel program regularly to record sales orders that I have made. As all of you already know, computers are a huge asset in the world of business. Major corporations can conduct meetings, and arrange huge transactions all through a computer. Banking is now done almost entirely with a computer. Money today is electronic, so for those of you who think that TCF has a vault with your money stored, no so much. Today, a person can transfer millions of dollars from one bank branc to another simply through a computer.
It is astonishing how much we as a society rely on computers in our every day lives.
Life without a PC would be very difficult. At the same time, it would save money. It's just a all around convenience for others and businesses. Also, it continues to get better over time.
ReplyDeleteYou pointed out a lot of ways computers are relevant in our everyday lives. It seems like the majority of careers could not exist today without them. I can't even imagine working with a type writer I would honestly waste so much paper from restarting over and over!
ReplyDeleteEveryone can’t leave the computer, especially people who have done successfully in their field. There are so many things that could be done online and could be much better. That is impossible for people do the same thing at the same time without computer. A computer can do something that human can’t do.