If you don't already have a facebook, you at least know what it is. Facebook is a social networking website and is used all around the world. Over time facebook has grown to perhaps the most popular networking website on the Internet. Facebook is used by many from small children to the older generation.
It seems as though, everytime you get used to their set up and learn where everything is at, they go and switch it up on you. If somebody is just joining and then the next day facebook changes thier layout, it can really confuse those individuals. People get very frustated when facebook changes the layout and usually don't like it at first. It takes time to get used to it and then before you know it, the layout is changed. I'm not too sure what their logic is behind it besides probably trying to keep things up to date. I'm sure they don't want people getting bored with it so they try to change things to make them more interesting and user friendly. However, even when facebook does decide to mix things up, people don't just stop using it because they don't like it, they deal with it and get used to it. Facebook has a large enough base of people and is constantly growing, they have the ability to do these things without losing any users to make any significant loss.
Overall, I don't like the fact that facebook changes their layout as often as they do and don't feel like its necessary. My concern is irrelevant to them and they do what they feel is best for their site. They are growing in numbers and any change they make won't lose any ground for them.
I totally know what you mean about the facebook layout. And even though I complain about it, I still end up sucking it up and using it. It makes me so angry that when I finally get used to it, they change it again. It won't ever effect the number of users they get, but it is still such a pain.