In simple terms, a computer is a machine which processes data based on a set of instructions. They have become a tool and a necessity in our every day lives. Computers are one of the biggest factors of man kind today. Family and friends that have grown apart, moved away or have not been contacted in awhile can send a simple e-mail to catch up. Now there are websites such as myspace or facebook where anyone can contact you by sending you a "friend request". Many graduates who have lost connections because of college have reconnected using the internet. People who live in one state can ‘go to college’ in another by taking online courses. You could be living anywhere in the United States and as long as you are accepted into that college, you never have to step food onto the campus. Try imagining life without the use of a computer. There would be no e-mail, resources, online college courses, online shopping, communication, inside looks at specific information or turning assignments in online. People who are caught up in the television drama can now watch shows or episodes they’ve missed right online. Music is now available to anyone with a computer. You can illegally or legally download any song you want, plug your ipod in, and there it is on your play list.
Another way computers have helped people is that banking accounts have provided online access to balance your checkbook for you. You can also pay all your bills online. Finances can be very difficult without any tools, but when you have access to a computer you can do it virtually online without having to go through the hassle of filling out paperwork, using stamps and gas to go do it in person. And who wants to get dressed and fix themselves on a day where they aren’t feeling well? No one. Online access has been one of the most magnificent inventions in all history.
In conclusion, the growth of the internet expanded much faster than predicted. It has become the world's largest database for information. Search engines such as Google and Yahoo constantly develop new ways to find information for the web users. Web sites now offer everyone a place to put their personal information to become popular. Educational software becomes more useful and interesting to students because everything seems more engaging online. Larger computer storage capacity and the growing prevalence of CD-ROM and DVD drives make it easier for students to store large capacities of work and transfer them to different computers.
I agree that without computers we would be lost. But look at the older generation that isn't using computers. Our parents and grandparents that aren't computer literate are doing just fine. We too can do without, its just become a part of our everyday lives to use computers and its bad because we have become dependent upon them.
ReplyDeleteI really know what you mean about the internet connecting old friends and keeping friends in touch. My best friend lives in Arizona so we make good use of social networking sites and programs such as Skype. My dad also just got a Facebook and has found so many random people he knew in college in high school that he never thought he'd talk to again.
ReplyDeleteIt's no doubt that we have become dependent on computers. The black out a few years back really showed how the switch has left us a little vonurable, but I really think that the positive out ways the negitive. Either way the computer age is only gone grow. I guess it's really up to each individual how much they want relie on computers