Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Modularity - Windows 7

In class today we learned about modularity and what makes it up. We went over different programs that help us run our computers on a daily basis. We looked at all of the windows that have come out since the beginning in 1985. They released Windows 1.0 in 1985, Windows have come along way since releasing windows 1.o. In 2009 Windows 7 was released and has become very popular and is being installed as the main operating system in many new computers that are sold.
When Windows releases a new operating system, many people are excited about what they will be able to discover and what is new applications on the operating system itself. For me i still have Windows Vista and I'm still getting used to everything that is new about Vista, but i guess i really only use my computer for homework and listening/storing music for my music player. So i guess I'm no expert when it comes to using a computer, but i believe that why they have you take these kind of courses in college, so that you have some basic knowledge on how computers work and what advances have been made in computers and technology.
With Windows 7, there has been new and improved, such as new features including a easy way to access what you want to quickly, by adding your favorite programs to your task bar, and they will be right there for you to get to where you want to quickly on your computer.

Another new feature includes Windows Touch, if you purchase a touch screen with your new computer then you would be able to apply Windows touch to what you are doing on the screen. You will be able to manipulate the computer screen to what you want that to do.

These are a couple of new features that are new with Windows 7, if you want to learn some more information on windows 7, because maybe you want to upgrade your operating system, visit

1 comment:

  1. I currently have windows vista and I don't like it very much. It tends to run slow and has a problem with freezing. The word around windows 7 is that they have made many improvments. from what I hear from friends they really did do a good job with this operating system.
