Thursday, February 4, 2010


In class we talked about automation and robotics. And we discussed the pros and cons of them. We learned that when you combine technology with automation and robotics, you will see that a lot of hard working people have been displaced in the manual labor work force. I have seen this first hand because I work in a auto assembly plant. I see due to the downsizing of the labor force over the past 6 years. With robotics and high tech gadgets that make work easier has eliminated lots of jobs. This may be a plus for the company, but it has the opposite effect on the laborers'. I hear from the old timers about how they would lift 100 lb transmissions for 8 hours a day, 6 days a week. Now, the heaviest thing you will lift is your lunch box. This form of technology is a plus, because it increases the health of the workers and saves money from having to replace injured workers.

One of the buildings where I work is about 50% robotics. Yeah, you need to humans to repair and maintain these robots, but the ratio is about 1 human to 20-30 robots. These robots have taken jobs from hard working people, but these robots will save the company money in the long run. They don't have to pay the robots holiday pay, sick pay, health benefits, or give them bath room breaks and the robots are more accurate and can work faster than a human. Like I mentioned earlier, good for the company, but bad for the worker.

Of course technology has helped us out in the long run, but it has a tendency to hurt as well. For example, the microwave. Its easy to use, very little maintenance, and it frees up time for you to do other things instead of standing over a hot stove. A year ago my microwave went out and I had to warm food up in the oven. It took 3 times as long and I was unsure of how long it would take. I never knew how much I depended on the microwave, but I did learn to be patient and that I needed to hurry up and get a new microwave.

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