what i would like to talk about is interface issue that happen with facebook and its 'friends'. It seems like recently faebook has been trying to make a new layout that would make it easier for the users to be able to access friends and wall posts. This has not gone over well since once people got used to the original style of the interface. You wouldn't imagine how much this upsets people, when the layout is changed.
This change in interfacing is a problem when you have a product that you get very used to using the program how it is, this makes it hard for companies to go from what has been successful, it seems to me like that would be a risky move from the business perspective.
Changing a interface can be done but it has to slowly be done, so that we the consumer can adjust at a normal rate.
I think that for Facebook it makes it harder for them to change their interface being such a widely used site. With their growing amount of age range of users though they need to keep up on their layout making it easy for people like our grandparents. With the interface Facebook uses now it makes it easy to view what your friends are doing as soon as you long in and the links you need are set on the left, so that we pay closer attention to them.
ReplyDeleteI feel like there is a trend among social networking sites. I can bet that many of the people who use facebook now used myspace before facebook came around. Then myspace started to feel overcrowded and got "less cool" so people switched over to facebook. So, my question is, when facebook becomes overpopulated (which it inevitably will), what new, great site will we all use to stay in touch with each other?
ReplyDeleteFacebook is the devil, but yet I can't live without it. I really try to avoid facebook as much as possible, but It's really useful to connect to my friends and family, especially if you have family overseas. I love facebook, and hate it at the same time if that makes sense.
ReplyDeleteI for one don't like the new Facebook layout. I understand it, but it is really stupid. I already slowed down on my Facebook use for twitter, but the new layout is even more motivation. It is a mess for peoples grandparents to have a FB account. They should stick to Bingo and Wheel of Fortune.
ReplyDeleteI agree with Zach, I mean what are we going to have next? because facebook will eventually get old and turn into another myspace. It is so widely used though that I dont think when facebook changes their interface, it's not going to stop people from using it. I mean, the features are all the same, it's just in a different form that was slightly changed. I don't like the new one but, like everybody else, I'm getting used to it and thats the only thing I can do. I used to tell my grandma facebook wasnt for her and was only for like college kids. Thats the way it started out, was more of a college networking site, but they have obviously expanded and adapted to smaller children and the older folks.
ReplyDeleteI think I'm the only one who like it when facebook updates their page. The new pages make it easier and makes facebook interesting. The only problem I have with facebook is that people miss use it. I get friend requests from people I clearly don't know. I also don't really know what to do about adding family memebers. It's not that i don't like them it's just i don't want them to know all the aspects of my life. In my opion facebook should keep up with the updates.