Monday, February 15, 2010


Hackers are looked as as bad people who basically mess with computer in a way that shouldn't be. If I had any type of big company I know that i would for sure want a hacker to be part of my staff. Hackers have a bad label, but they can be very valuable assets to companies. Companies hire hackers in order to see if there are any flaws in the companies system. I think that this is such a great idea. What better way to make sure that no one can hack your computer system and get to important files then to hire the kind of person who you would be trying to keep your important data from. Another type of hacking is also not something that is bad. There is a type of hacking that is just to find out how something works without trying to do anything criminal. This is something that is completely harmless and may only be to educate themselves. I think that hacking and hackers are not given the best image and people need to learn more about who they are and what they can do. They are useful in many ways.


  1. I understand what you're saying. I think the idea of bringing in hackers to work for companies to detect any flaws in the system is a great idea. They are usually very smart people and they know what they are doing. You are right about their image and people putting a bad image on hackers but thats because alot of hackers use their abilities for the bad and aren't usually trying to do any good with what information they get.

  2. From what I have seen the average hacker really is out to harm, but i can see how they can be used to improve products. once you know a flaw in the system you can fix it, but without hackers you wouldn't know anything about it. One way or another it doesn't really matter. There is no way to really stop people from hacking so there will always be a need to pay hackers to help.

  3. Some hackers are dumb kids who dont know any better, but i feel most times that hackers are people who're trying to get info that is privellaged, that they are not allowed to access...and for good reason. I agree it would be a good idea to hire someone to test your firm's defenses against hacking, someone who went straight edge or someone who has no criminal past though, not necessarily someone who would want to hack your firms info.
