Friday, February 19, 2010

Thought controlled computing, and gaming!

After talking about automation in class i got interested and searched the web for something related to the Olympics. Visitors to the Vancouver Olympics this year are in for a special treat. A canadian company has created the largest thought-controlled computing installation, and is letting visitors try it out! It is an experiment that allows people to use their brainwaves through a special pair headphones to contol the lighting at three major Canadian land marks, one being Niagra Falls! Talk about Automation! "The headsets have an external probe that touches the wearer's forehead, to measure baseline brain activity." It measures the brain's electrical output and alpha waves, realated to relaxation, and beta waves, related to concentration. When you relax or concentrate it sends a signal to change the lighting accordingly.

"As consumers get more comfortable with going beyond the keyboard and the mouse to interact with their computers, companies are looking for more ways to make the experience better." Posted by Priya Ganapati, on february,3,2010 @ Gadget Lab Blog, a blog for people to interact about gadgets and technology. She thinks harnessing brain waves or other biological data are slowly emerging as a third option, especially in gaming.

There is a company called Neuro Sky, and they make special head phone.They are said to translate gamer's brain waves into action. Microsoft is working on alternate forms of input, my boyfriend told me about Project Natal. I youtubed it and saw that they say they will add gesture recognition to xbox 360 systems late this year. Check out this video about Natal on youtube..Its amazing! Cant wait to see what we have in 5 years!

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