Monday, February 8, 2010

Post # 2 Giga Bytes

When we were in class discussing how most things are ran now in Giga Bytes and how it runs faster. I found it to be so interesting because I went back to my dorm and looked at most of my electronics. I found that mostly everything is in Giga Bytes except for one important thing. My Laptop I have an old laptop early 2000 but it still runs in Mega Bytes and it do run slower and holds less memory than my I-pod touch.
Technology is so much more advanced now I remember the first computer I had I don't even think it used Mega Bytes you would have to turn it on an hour befor you wanted to use it because it took all day to load and one it loaded you had to wait on AOL to load. Then we upgraded to DSL broadband and bought a computer with windows xl and we still have it.
I just found this part to be so interesting because of how it related to my life. My mom is always one step behind technology. You said that they were working on making stuff work in Tera Bytes. She will still be in Mega when that stuff comes out.


  1. I know what you mean. It seems like just yesterday that 40GBs was a big hard drive. Now they have terabytes which blows gigabytes out of the water.

  2. I remember when the computers were that slow! It seems like such a long time ago. Its amazing how much technology has changed in such a short time.

  3. If you really want your mind to be blown, then know that we're likely to hit the PB (Petabyte) within the next five years. 1 PB = 1,000 TB (Terabyte). This means that we're likely to purchase laptops that come with 1 TB of space around 2015. After the PB, there will be the EB (Exabyte) around 2020 and 1 EB = 1,000 PB. This law will hold true until we reach the ZB (Zettabyte) and YB (Yottabyte) after these. It's predicted we'll hit the YB in 2035, at which point computers will likely have evolved into some other machine altogether. This is only 25 years down the road.

  4. My dad is always behind on technology too. I think he just got a DVD player last year! The comment that you made about your iPod having more memory than your computer really made me think. I remember when everyone said that they would never need a Gigabyte of memory, and now that really doesn't seem like very much!
