Is communication becoming less and less personal because of today's technology? I belive it is. Rather than calling to say " im leaving, be home in 10, love you" we text that message. When we need to confront/ask our boss about a company rule/policy do we stroll to his/her office to ask? 8/10 times we would email instead, unless it was urgent.
Technology has done wonders for the millenial generation, but is it crippeling their communication skills? will this generation have what it takes to get the job done effectively. Effective communication occurs only if the receiver understands the exact information or idea that the sender intended to transmit. This causes some concern when it comes to technology, such as emailing, in the business environment. Ofcourse there are guidelines to help employees prevent making serious fopas, but does it always work?
When communicating on the internet on vie text message people lose context. Context is the way the message is delivered - it is the non verbal elements such as the tone of voice, the look in the sender's eyes, body language, hand gestures, emotions. One must make very sure that the correct message is sent with a clear undrstanding of what is actually meant/addressed.
Awesome post Lauren! I couldn't agree more. It seems like technology is driving us further away from each other than bringing us closer. Whenever I do a text, I can never get the right message across. If I want to be funny, whenever I read the actual text myself it doesn't look funny. The receiver doesn't get the whole picture. I think people need to jump back to old days of personal communication if they really want to get their message across. Despite all this, I still believe that the technology to reach people is still necessary, and some people prefer it that way.