Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Ubiquitous Computing

I know everyone and their brother has already posted on this subject, but it is very intriguing, so I think it merits another look. It is really exciting to be a part of a time when something like a "smart house" that would only have been a dream 7 or 8 years ago are becoming more and more possible. It would make hosting a party or social event so much easier, for one thing. To have everything change to the tastes of your guests would ease a lot of the burden on the host. No more would one have to ask what channel to watch. A microchip would just take care of it.

Another facet of this concept that intrigues me is that of a cellphone switching to Wi-Fi compatability where there is no cell signal. This would be extremely beneficial to me, in particular. My room at my parents is/was (I've since moved out) in the basement, and there was absolutely no service to be had. However, I had a very strong Wi-Fi signal on my computer. Not having to run upstairs everytime I got a call would be very appealing to me, albeit a little lazy.

All in all, while it is possible to have these smart houses, it is all but impossible for anyone who is not vastly wealthy. We see these being invented, but I think it will be a very long time before we see them as commonplace. Perhaps some restaurants, bars, or stores may start incorporating them before we see them in residences. Any way you slice it, I'm excited to see what the future will bring.


  1. My brother has always dreamed about a house that was infused with technology, but I never thought I would see the day when that would actually be possible (I was never into technology as much as he was). Through this class, I have learned about technology that I could have never imagined, such a the refrigerator with a built in touch screen. It is expensive, and I'm sure it will be for a while, but at least that kind of capability is out there. One thing that I am not sure about is the cellular phone switching to Wi-Fi compatability. Does this mean that cellular signal will someday be eliminated, or are cell phones going to be able to do both? I know that I have a hard time finding wireless signals to connect my laptop to, and I'm just wondering how my cell phone would be affected if I had that kind of capability on my phone? Wireless networks are usually password protected, so unless wireless becomes available in a lot more places without a password, I do not see the use of it, at least in my situation. Maybe it would be good if you have wireless at your home and do not have a phone line. However, would the wireless strength be affected and cause things to be slower if more people are connected to it?

  2. I remember watching the movie "Smarthouse" on Disney channel and dreaming about having a house that knew my favorite food and would make me snacks. That still seems really out of reach to me. A house could be "smart" in someways though, such as automatically switching to Wi-Fi when cell phone service is lost. I always have that problem in basements and it's so annoying!
