Saturday, March 27, 2010

Bill Gates' House

A couple weeks ago in class, we talked about Bill Gates' house. I personally, find that type of technology very interesting. The thing that I find most interesting is the way that whenever you go from room to room, it senses you. And with that, it will change the room temperature to whatever your personal preference is. Also, it will play what type of music you enjoy best, and the lighting that you enjoy. This type of technology is called ubiquitous computing, which means that it follows you where ever you go. To me, learning about this type of computing was very interesting.
Ubiquitous computing can be used in some very interesting ways. One way that I found very interesting was The Coffee Robot. This type of ubiquitous computing made a robot out of Lego's and it monitors the coffee pot, like the last time made, the temperature, etc. This, to me, shows that anything and everything can be made or used with ubiquitous computing.
With ubiquitous computing being used not only to make coffee pot robots, but used in some one's house, I think we are looking at the future. I could just imagine when the rooms in every one's house, no matter how rich, regulate themselves like the one's in Bill Gates'. This is just one example how far human innovation has come. We started off with simple basic computers, that at first, were barely portable, and now, computers are following us around. What a world we live in.


  1. I think Bill Gates has one of the greatest houses ever. I read that the room temperature changes based on your mood, and so does the music and lighting.

  2. I actually saw something on television some years ago about his home. I think it was on 'Lifestyle of the rich & famous.' I was so blown away when they were explaining all the tech the home comes with. I'm very funny about tempartures. Sometimes I'm hot and sometimes im cold and I have no problem adjusting the thermometer. My only question is, what happens when there are more than one person in a room?

  3. Technology is definitely an amazing thing. Sometimes I can not believe the capabilities that modern devices and information systems in general have. I have seen Bill Gates house on TV before, and I agree that it is a sight to see. It also carries a price tag that is many times what the average person makes in their life. Although the broad commercial implications for this kind of technology are far off, and there are definitely a lot of flaws, I am none the less excited for the day that these technologies can be applied in everyday life.

  4. we should have a class field trip to Bill Gates' House. Talk to our teacher!. that's amazing what you guys are talking about. I guess being rich and the owner of Microsoft, you have to have everything.

  5. when I heard of the things Bill Gates have in his home I was a little, but not that much surprise. His home is beautiful and he is showing people what putting hard work in can do.
