Information technology creates another new world now. It has changed our thinking and philosophy. From the movement, the change, the storage, the transmission, the conversion, the processing, and the exchange systems engineering, these processes of successful completion are the information method that flow to control procedures.
Automation really can do it but it only relies on the digital-based systems. Digital is a natural tendency without borders or nationality. No matter who invents them, digital regularity is used by science, after human endeavor in half a century, and it has formed standard and track. Like people's hands, which have ten fingers, we can create the world. The center of globalization is the information technology. The benefits of mass digitization are already self-evident, it eliminates the inequality of the information, the wealth and the status. Network communications, remote teaching, and programming tools have been given to equal participation and to create rights.
Therefore, the salary of IT elites is rising with the developing technology.
Therefore, the salary of IT elites is rising with the developing technology.
With the increasingly complex IT environment, the demands for technology products will also increasing in the next decade. A single, modular technology product or services will not be able to meet the needs for social and economic development. "S + S" strategy, which are software and service will become the tendency of the world's IT industry development and it leads to promote the global technical ecosystem toward dynamic and healthy direction to develop.
I do think automation is making our lives a lot easier and it is also making jobs easier to do with it. Technology is changing at such a fast rate now it seems like it is almost impossible to keep up with it anymore.