My blog this week is sort of more a question than just all facts. How does all of this technology adapt to our environments? How long did it actually take all of these companies to come to the level that they are at now? When we talk about technology evolving we can now say that its our lives evolving as well. Most people follow what they see on the internet. Companies have managed to keep consumers wanting more and more each new upgrade.
Before people generally used a plug in telephone cord to connect to the internet. The speed was fairly slow, and graphics weren't up to pair. Then came around broadband. A faster speed but not much faster. This grabbed a lot of users attention because they could now be wireless in their homes. In March of 2004 to 2005 it grew 24% in usage of the net. By that next year it had risen to 56% just because of broadband connection. After a few years a new thing Call Wi-Fi was brought about. Meaning people could connect anywhere that had that type of wireless radiation in the area. Some Areas are trying to make it free for everyone to enjoy without paying for it.
Out of all I would think that technology is at the least bit slowing down because there's always room for improving. Nothing is ever perfect, upgrades are always useful for internet companies. Wanting to make consumers are happy and coming back for more service.
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