I was watching TV the other day and I saw a comical for this new 3D TV. I had no idea that the new wave of 3D movies would soon be available for everyday use. I have seen many of the new movies that have been coming out in 3D and I'm impressed by what they can do. I remember a few years back going to see Transformers 2 in 3D and it seemed like they over used the 3D. They tried way to hard to make it obviously 3D and it ended up taking something from the movie. I hope that when TVs go into the 3D that they don't make this same mistake. we have come along way in the world of 3D imagery.
You would think 3D imaging is a new wave, but it actually dates back to the beginning of photography. David Brewster invented the stereoscope in 1844. The stereoscope allowed you to take a picture in 3D. This technology was improved and Luis Jules Duboscq presented a famous picture of Queen Victoria in the 1851 Great Exhibition. During the second world war not only were 3D cameras available for personal use, but pretty common. 3D motion pictures developed along with the other 3D imagery. The kinematoscope was the first motion picture camera and it was introduced in 1855. This technology has been around for a long time and we have been using it.
In 1952 as the TV hit the market the united states introduced their first 3D film called Bwana Devil. One year after that the movie House of Wax was released in theaters as a 3D film. Even Alfred Hitchcock's Dial M for Murder was originally made for 3D, but in order to maximize profits they decided to release it in 2D. Before any of that the soviet union came out with Robinson Crusoe in 3D in 1947. Now in 2010 all the major television makers are coming out with their own version 3D TV. Who knows what the future will hold for the 3D television and what they will make into 3D next.
3D was popular a while ago, like when you made your own red and blue 3D glasses, but I agree it really has come such a long way. I have been to most of the 3 D movies that have come out and its such a new way to watch movies. I think having a 3D tv would just be the next step
ReplyDeleteI never realized that 3D technology dated so far back, nor did I ever think it would be available at my television at home. I paid a lot of money to go see the Avatar movie in 3D, and I will have to admit it was pretty cool. If you miss out on the chance to see a 3D movie in Theatres, I thought that you would be missing out on the whole 3D experience for that movie. I guess I was wrong, and I'm glad that I was. This technology is currently expensive, like anything else, but someday soon maybe we will all get to enjoy the 3D experience at home and save ourselves from expensive, movie theatre prices.
ReplyDeleteI agree that the prospect of watching TV in 3d is appealing, and I hope to be able to try this approach soon. Like many I had no idea that 3d technology dated back into the 1800's. I knew that it was not a new technology by any means, but not the storied history that it has. Something that I can not wait to see is the ESPN channel that they are planning to broadcast entirely in 3d. I feel like this could be a huge advancement in viewing sports, as well as television in general.
ReplyDeleteI feel like Prodcasters are not going to like this, because it will show everything, and I mean their faces, and old aging stuff. I've heard a few broadcasters don't like the HD either.
ReplyDeleteA new electronic generation is coming! But...would you like to watch news in 3D? It's interesting.
ReplyDeletewow 3D went that far back. I am truly amaze from reading this I didn't even realize this. This was some very good writing.