Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Online Meetings

I was really interested when we started talking about how after 9-11 a lot of people started having online meetings instead of going on airplanes. I recently saw a commercial on t.v. that was a lot like the online meeting that we were shown in class. It's called go to meeting. It also has the feature where you can have everyone seeing the same document and you can also see the people. I think this is such a great idea it saves so much money and time. Not only does it save money and time but it is safer. One survey found that of all of the business people they surveyed more than two thirds of them had online meetings for about a total of four hours each week. I feel like these number will only go up from here on. Online meetings can cut a travel budget by 40%. Not only can you meet online for almost everything but with things like faxing also it is so easy to get documents signed. Also sending out e mails of the documents you will be going over prior to the meeting will make sure everyone is on the same page. Also with all of the larger companies these days there are a lot more people who work from home. it is so much more convenient not to have to pack up and leave for a meeting since they can still just do it from their home office.


  1. I watched (Up in the air) last week and I loved it. they also had a program similar to this where they can fire a person online without going to their company, traveling and such. it cuts back on time and also money. But like George Clooney, they go their so they can also give them a since of stability after they have been let go, and giving them options, and also being there for the person. I don't know, i guess this type of technology can have some major effects of human interaction.

  2. I like the idea of online meetings. I think it is safe, reliable, and cuts back on costs. But I also agree with Sameer. There still needs to be a person to person way the employee can contact the employer and vice versa. I would be really pissed if I could not understand something that was being said online and was not able to pull someone to the side to ask them like in a normal meeting.

  3. I agree with what has been mentioned already. I mean, yes, the idea of online meetings is great. It saves lots of time and money and can get things done alot quicker than going to another city to have a meeting. But then again, if you need to or want to speak with someone individually in person, well, thats going to be a little more difficult. Plus another factor is, some people might like traveling for a business meeting because they get to explore a new city for a day and some people might like traveling every once in a while to new places.

  4. I agree with everyone in some respect. I feel that online meetings, faxing, email, and other technological advances have made information exchanges easier, and safer. However, like a few people have already noted, in many instances a physical meetingroom is required to best accomplish a task. Especially in a situation where you are firing someone. Many people would see it as a sign of disrespect to let them go by email, especially people who have been working at a company for a long time.
