Monday, April 12, 2010

7th blog

One of the big topics in class that we discussed was security. Security is needed in many ways online. Some of which are by firewalls, difficult passwords, and special codes that only humans can type into the correct box. Remember not to write down your passwords ever, at all, for any reason. Passwords are very important to us all for many reasons.
The other day I was at McDonald's and they had the news on one of the big flat screen TV's. I glanced at it and only reason it caught my attention was the blue F for Facebook, lol. Normally I don't watch news. So i looked it up later online, and I find out that a son is taking a nosy mother to court. She went into her sons Facebook and read his posts and didn't like that at all. So she changed the Facebook password, and the e-mail address password so he could not get back into it by any means. The mother is also accused of posting on his page herself, slander and personal facts about that son's life. The 16 year old son is filing harassment charges and the prosecutors sided with him on this case. She plans to fight the charges saying if the suit is successful it will be "open season" on all vigilant parents who seek to keep their children in line.

This is something I always worried about with my grandma or my father. Why no matter what age you are dose you family seem to think they have a right to view all your social network website pages? It's invasion of privacy, and it's harassment in my opinion. That's why only my aunt knows my password and she forgets them easily, but even then I change some of them now and then.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh! I'm surprised I haven't heard a story like this before. That mom sounds really out of control, if she didn't want her son to have a Facebook then she should have put a password on the computer or monitored his time. It is pretty dramatic to sue your own mother but I'm not sure there's another way to solve the issue.
