Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Anna's 8th Post

One of my favorite articles we've read for the class was "Medivet: The Veterinary Partnership." I think I particularly connected with this one because I love animals so much and I think this is a great way to apply information systems and technology. The subject of the article, Medivet, is a veterinary clinic in Europe. Once an animal is registered with them, they can go to any Medivet location.

This makes Medivet very convenient, because veterinary emergencies aren't planned, and the most important thing is getting the pet under medical care as soon as possible. However this convenience has presented a problem. If the animal isn't seen at its regular clinic, then their information isn't available. This includes insurance and vaccination and medical history.

Medivet worked with Microsoft to solve this problem. They used data management software to compile all of the information into one database, so that it is accessible from any branch. This will no doubt save many animals lives. The most surprising thing to me was that this software wasn't already installed, especially because the article talks about using the information in medical practices for humans. I just assumed it existed already, but I was wrong, so I'm very happy it does now! I'm glad that society is using information systems to benefit animals and not just humans!


  1. I agree with you that this is a great idea. I have two cats and a dog and having access to medical care is essential. The idea to link health records from vet to vet is essential. With this trend coming into hospitals it makes sense that it will now be implemented for animals.

  2. I think it is a great idea to start putting all the data into a large database. I just dont like how it is now just catching on in the medical field. It would make jobs so much more efficent and easier
