Thursday, April 15, 2010


Seen on the news today that the new Samsung 3D TV may be harmful. And my question is, is technology helping or harming us? The news report stated that watching the 3D TV can cause headaches, nausea, and dizziness. It went on to say that some kids with autism should not view the 3D TV, and that it would cause more problems for them.

I think sometimes companies get carried away by trying to come with the next best thing, the highest technological gadget. I know all business are in business to make a profit, but to what extent. Are they weighing profits against legal fees due to law suits? It sure seems like it. Not sure of how true it is, but I can remember hearing that cell phones will cause brain cancer. I'm sure cell companies are saying if its true, we'll deal with it when it happens.


  1. I think something like this should be advised before purchasing the product or even putting it on the market. I feel that companies know the negative of things but won't say anything until they get caught.

  2. That's terrible! I wonder how many other products are on the market that we are unaware of that cause similar problems. There are several studies showing that cell phones and all electrical appliances for that matter have detrimental effects to our health. My question is how aware are companies of this, and how much information do they shove under the rug? I can't help but fear that the electronics industry is a lot like the tobacco industry that knows of its products potential harm, but makes too much money off of its products to invest any real concern.

  3. This seems like a good example of how sometimes our reach exceeds our grasp in regards to the ramifications of technological advancement. It is a symptom of how fast technology is moving, and our race to keep up with it can sometimes have negative consequences (sometimes possibly ones that are known, sometimes ones that likely come as a surprise). Even though we have so much technology at our disposal, I don't think we fully understand what the consequences of some of that technology can be.

  4. I think this is kind of scary. If it could hurt us, perhaps it is not ready to be released. I am so tired of hearing about companies releasing things to stay profitable, completly neglecting the safety of there customer while doing so. What happened to business ethics? I know there are laws for consumer safety, but shouldn't they be held socially responsible for these acts? I think it is up to the consumer to say that we deserve safety even if it means we'll have to wait a few months for our technology.
