Well this is new, nearly 800,000 households have dropped their cable company. Don't worry though, because cable companies still have about 100 million subscribers in the united states. But still to have 800,000 household cut cable is major. A new report claims that many people are watching T.V via Netflix, and watching it online. Many people these only watch specific channel and specific programs, so why have to pay $100-$200 a month when you can just get online and watch it on your own time? I personally will not cut the cord, because I like watching sports.
Sports is probably the only thing I watch on T.V, and Lost but thats about to end pretty soon. Sports is a major factor in people's decision to cut cable. It's the most live event you watch on T.V, and you can't watch it online because you'll probably know who won, so there is no need to watch it. Netflix and online streaming is still pretty new to us, but what's going to happen in 10 years? will we see the end of television? will eveyone be watching their stuff online? T.V is a major social gathering activity for friends and family these and I feel like that's going to fade once Netflix and web streaming becomes more popular.
Me personally I don't watch too much TV mainly because I am never at home. But I think that as time goes on more and more people will begin to cut the cord.
ReplyDeleteIt's funny that you wrote about this, because I am moving out of my apartment in a few weeks and moving into a new one, and have decided to live without cable. I don't really have time in my schedule to watch TV as it is, and most of the shows I do get a chance to watch are online, so why pay a cable fee? I think that there is a definite chance that there will be an end to television as we know it. I think cable companies will make a full shift to the internet and instead offer special TV like features.
ReplyDeleteWe (my boyfriend and I) considered getting rid of our satellite dish. We have Netflix, and both an XBox 360 and a Wii (which we can watch things instantly on through our Netflix subscription). Unfortunately, we are locked into a contract for about another year. Once our contract is up though, we may get rid of the dish.
ReplyDeleteI wonder if this "cable cutting" is due to people's lack of a need for television or is it just the economy? My thought is it is probably a mix of both. While perhaps the format of viewing telelvision through cable may change, I do believe we will have television for many, many years to come.
ReplyDeleteI don't think TV is going away anytime soon. It's already changed so much in the last few years I'm sure it will contiue to evolve. It seems like the only new shows they ever come out with are reality shows. If they went back to actual scripted shows some of the older viewer back.