While in class there was a discussion on how everything is starting to be electronic. Weather you're shopping, checking your bank statement, applying for a job, it's done electronic. But the thing that I really started to focus on was electronic mail. I remember when I was younger and I would open all of the "junk" mail, pretend it was mine, and I would tell my mother how I couldn't wait until I was old enough to receive mail. Well now that I'm old enough the only mail I'm receiving are packages from when I order something online.
Wireless companies have recently stopped sending paper bills to their subscribers, but they mail it to them electronically whether its through a text, or through a automated voice message. Cable companies such as Comcast cable and Direct Tv out a message on in the information section of your cable service which has the amount and date due. The United Postal Service has discontinues large amounts of jobs due to lack incoming mail.
I looked across a forum of individuals talking about electronic mail and many said that this new method of billing customer was convenient but it wasn't smart. What about those that didn't have Internet access? What if the connection for the Internet is down how are we going to get our mail? They had great points which made me feel that we need to have our mail sent to us through the mail.
I think it is so funny that you got the junk mail, I did the same thing and kept it in my playhouse. I remember feeling like such an adult :) I love this new trend of paperless bills. I just heard a fact on the radio about the number of trees cut down for the census and while I can't remeber the exact number it was staggering. Paperless bills dont just save trees though, I think they simplify things. No more grabbing the mail and wondering where you put your bills. Now, they are all right there in your email or online to be looked at whenever you want. The only issue I can see is privacy and how vulnerable the bills are to hackers.
ReplyDeleteI think the benefits from getting things electronically highly out weigh getting things tangibly. One thing I always hated was waiting for an important piece of mail and always being disappointed when the mail man would come and not have it. Now email allows for people to receive their mail instantly then waiting another day to receive it.
ReplyDeleteI think it's great to have access to everything instantly and portable. It has to be a lot cheaper and more reliable. There are still things I would like to recieve in the mail but not many. It wouldn't be the same to me if nobody sent me Christmas cards but other then that I wouldn't miss it.