In class on Thursday we discussed the idea of implanting a brain chip that will increase your intelligence. After some research on this topic, I have discovered that society is much closer to implementing this than I originally thought. While there are many opinions on whether or not individuals would actually want this or not, my research focused on a chip called the cranial chip and the actual implementation of the chip and how it works.
The cranial chip is a chip physically implanted into the brain. Data is then streamed into the brain at night and then processed while the person is asleep. The idea behind this is that the chip does not interfere with brain function while the user is awake. In the morning, the implanted person will wake up not noticing any sleep loss but will now have all the information that was streamed in the night before.
One aspect about a brain chip that I had not thought of before is the idea of training a user with a chip. I suppose in my thoughts about the chip I neglected the thought that a human may actually have to be trained to use the chip. In my naivety I assumed the chip would be implanted and operate with no additional work. This however is entirely untrue. As of now, the way this cranial chip works is with an intensive training session along with routine training throughout the users life. This training includes any maintenance or updates the chip may need.
While the ethical dilemma of a brain chip still exists , the development of the brain chip has no intention of waiting for that dilemma to be solved. Research and development is ongoing in such chips as the cranial chip as well as many others. It is up to the future to designate how,when, and if these chips will be entered into society.
Wow. I had no idea that they were that close to creating that. I'm still undecided on the issue, but whether we like it or not, that technology is coming.
ReplyDeleteThere are always going to be ethical issues raised with regards to artificial human enhancement. Someday, these types of procedures may become commonplace, hopefully the developers of these kinds of technologies keep in mind what the ramifications of implementation of these technologies are. Personally, I feel that invasive procedures should only be performed when absolutely necessary, but I am pretty sure that there will come a day when procedures like this will be part of every day life.
ReplyDeleteThe cranial chip can be very good and can become bad if not handled correctly. Yes it may be the future of artificial human enhancement, but do we really want this to happen? So many people will be out of jobs and businesses would fail. Also, this technology may get into the wrong hands....
ReplyDeleteI can see how these chips can improve someone's life. Giving someone a more powerful brain can really improve their quality of life. I can also see how this could later be used to harm a person. This kind of tech could lead to the controling of the human mind. Call me old fashion, but I'll keep my brian chip free.