The information technology develops so faster that many experts even the common people feel afraid and worry that one day the computer will be instead of human intelligence. The worry is reasonable. There is something that the human beings should consider about.
Superhuman intelligences may have goals that it is inconsistent with human survival and prosperity. Some experts think that artificial intelligences may simply eliminate the human race but the human beings will be powerless to stop them in the future. Some situations may be happened that an artificial intelligence system solves an excavation problem on the moon in a brilliant and novel way, but nearly kills a work crew in the process. And the human beings should realize that if information systems are becoming too sophisticated and complex to predict or manage, a scientific team sets out to teach a sophisticated computer network how to think more humanly. When humans create the first super intelligent entity, they may make a mistake and give it goals that lead it to annihilate humankind, assuming its enormous intellectual advantage gives it the power to do so.
The others think that the basic intelligence of computer is not tied to any particular body, which will give it a radically different world view. This intelligence may be the one factor that leads to singularity. Someone describes the situation which just likes something go through a barrier, if information technology approaches a barrier, the new information technologies will cross it.
This is a very controversial topic. There are many people on both sides of the argument of what the future of IT will hold. Although there are many fears of new technology, they are by no means new ideas. There were books written in the late 1800s that described scenarios like the ones the author mentioned in this blog. The only difference between now and then, is that where those fears were mainly speculation, we are now on the verge of having machines with comparable levels of intelligence as humans within the next 30 years.