The idea of having a computer chip embedded into your brain will probably scare you at first, but take a look at the pros and cons before you think ahead.
The positives of having this chip inserted is that it can directly give you information without the use of a computer, it will put doctors at ease when all they have to do is read the chip instead of blood tests and such, and you will never have to carry around a laptop anymore.
Think about it; all the information in the world is stored right inside your brain. You won’t need anymore resources. Not to mention, people that have Alzheimer's in there family. It scary to know that disease may affect you and your family. They may look for any alternative to prohibit that disease from manifesting. So, they look to technology. The computer can enhance someones memory and retrieve information from the long term memory. From a business standpoint, competition will be down and there will be no need for many things. Lastly, a doctor would no longer need charts to see your medical history. They can just have a scanner(kind of like the one in common stores). Also, they share the information telepathically. We never know....
Now for the negatives: the system is highly secured but that doesn’t mean someone cannot hack into the chip and mess things up. Also, if one thing goes wrong, the person can turn crazy or it might affect bodily functions since it will be in the brain where everything else is controlled. And what if this procedure doesn’t go well? Will this affect the rest of my life? Is there possible death involved? These are the questions to ask yourself or your doctor if considering before deciding to pull forward. Research and expand your knowledge as best you can before making a decision that might possibly hurt you.
I will admit that the idea of putting a chip in your head it increase brain power is a cool idea, but I just don't think that I would ever do it. The ablity to control a person will come down to how strong there chip is. whats to stop them from creating a way to control your every movement and thougt. I just would never want someone else to have that much control over me.
ReplyDeleteI also did my blog on a brain imbedded chip called the Cranial Chip. While the idea is old, the technology to do this is still infantile. I love the possibilities it presents and wonder what the real capabilities of a brain chip are? Could they possibly cure disease?
ReplyDeleteI feel brain embedded chips should I only be used for people who need them. These people would be the sick, paralyzed, mentally challenged and so on. I also feel once some dies from a brain embedded chip, society will be scared to get them.
ReplyDeleteI think it will be a long time before this idea would gain any kind of acceptance. There are so many ways this could go wrong if it were to be misused. I agree most people would be terrified of them.
ReplyDeleteI cannot imagine doing this to yourself. As a few people in class may ave seen I dont think that this is a natural thing at all. I think that it is neat that one day something like this could be invented but i will never want this on my head.