I have recently been introduced to Pandora Radio. For those of you who don't know what it is, it is a online radio where you get to pick an artist, song, or and album that you like, and then it puts together a list of not only songs by that artist, but also similar sounding songs too. And the best part is: its all free! You have a limit of 40 hours a month, but you could pay some money to get as much free listening as you want. This website has introduced me to a lot of artists and songs that I would have never learned elsewhere. You don't get to keep the song, but it is a free way to enjoy music without stealing from the artist. You are able to get this on a lot of phones now and I do believe the ipod touch.
With this option out there, there is really no need for people to keep downloading music for free. I know that most artists now a days know that they get most of their money from concerts and shows, but that still doesn't mean that taking the songs from them for free is right. It is the property of the artist, so it is like stealing from your best friend, because that is how a lot of us feel towards our favorite artists and songs. The only flaw is that you don't "own" the song, but you get a good mix of songs for no cost at all.
definitely not like stealing from your best friend seeing as these artists have NO idea who you are. Also, this doesn't eliminate the need to steal music b/c you can only hear the song once and you're at the whim of random selection. If you hear a new song you love, you still need to get it somehow (legally or illegally). Gotta love Pandora though, it great stuff :)
ReplyDeleteI'm listening to pandora right now. I really like there set up. If you want to listen to a specific band then you can look them up, or if you want to listen to a type of music you can do that too. They also are on of the few places that Hvae most of the bands that i listen to.
ReplyDeleteI'm listneing to pandora right now. I really like pandora's set up. If your looking for a band you can look them up and pandora has just about everyone. On the other hand if your just looking for a type of music then you can do that too. You do have to listen to commercials, but at least you don't have to listen to "shout outs". no one cares
ReplyDeleteI use Pandora as well. I first started using it when I snowboarded. It is a great way to find new music, bands, or artists. I listen to a lot of bands that not many people know about so when I want to listen to there music it is just easier to download then go through the hassle of finding a website to buy their songs. Also, I have talked to many bands that have not made it big yet and they feel downloading is a GREAT way to get their music out there and be heard.
ReplyDeleteThe musicians may make there money on concerts but they make very little from the CD sales. There are a lot of people who put there time and talent into producing the music for CD's who don't make money on concerts. I do agree Pandora's great
ReplyDeleteI think that it isn't nice that people don't care about the artists. They weren't always so popular, they had to work to be where they are now. I like to look at it like this - right now you are working towards a goal to be successful. I mean everyone wants to be successful. And one day in the future, let's say that is true and you make a million plus a year doing whatever it is that you do. Let's say it's some kind of media, like movies. People are stealing your product and they don't care because you are rich. They think that you can handle a little here and there. With the way technology is going there are going to be some huge implications. Look at the whole Napster thing. In the end, you should think about how you want to be treated in the future. And really it's really just going be well you make more than me so you can afford it. If we are all selfish and don't care what hope is there for the future?