The cash register was invented in 1883 by James Ritty. It was nicknamed the "incorruptible cashier" because it was the first working, mechanical cash register. The main reason for the invention of the cash register was to stop the employees from stealing. It was equipped with a bell in which would let the manager know the amount of times the register drawer opened. However, James Patterson later decided to buy both the manufacturing company that the registers and the cash register patent for $6500. In 1884 Patterson then changed the cash register company from the National Manufacturing company to the National Cash Register Company. Today, the cash register is the most needed item when running a business.
Have you ever just sat back and thought about the value of the cash register? Though of the point of how it automatically detects sales/discounts, calculates your information fast, and how it stores all of the stores information. Now just think if the cash register wasn't invented. The checkout line would be crazy. An the employees would have to be phenomenal math experts that can calculate purchase in a fast pace. How would the company know how many sales they have made? How would managers know if their employees are being honest? And what about credit cards? Would they only have to be used online?
In the summer of 2003, Most states suffered from the "blackout". All electrical powers were down. Phone lines, radios, home electricity, everything. Many went out to the store and bought charcoal, ice and gasoline. The problem was that most only had credit cards, and the cash registers weren't working. Employees had to calculate purchases with a calculator and it was was just chaotic. My sister worked at a convenient store and she came home and told me how the company had to give away a lot of their refrigerated items. This caused them to lose a great number of sales because the store could only accept cash.
Now personally, I hate carrying cash because I tend to lose it or spend faster. But the fact of the cash register not being around kinda disturbs me. I don't think I would even go out to shop because I know it would be hectic.
Yeah a cash register, but we are starting to use plastic more often. People just swipe their cards now and days. I don't like carrying cash either, it's just faster to swipe. It's time convenient also. When the cash register first came out, it had an significant effect on the ways people conducted business.